Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So it took us two years to buy our house and in those two years the house started to stalk me. I am a very crafty person and well the house knows this....so it decides to invade my thoughts on a regular basis.... which wouldn't be a problem if it wouldn't be when I am trying to sleep..HINT HINT HINT!! It started about 4 weeks ago when the bank said we were approved for the loan...it was my son's 6th birthday party and after the hooorah was over I was left with a dear friend Signa and I was brain storming....BIG mistake lol..I started describing what I wanted to do with the house decorative and updates.. this house is not a spring chicken.. more like a lovely elderly woman in need of a few nips and tucks.

Well as I am talking I am painting a picture of what I want it to look like and as if I have some magical wand waving in the air.. we can see it..not really but imagine what it would be like. I think the house has decided it likes the vision I have too cause every time I am trying to go to bed..it starts.. I see the kids rooms painted to their liking, the bathrooms updated, the kitchen and dining with a Greek theme..the yard manicured.. The typical magazine cut out everyone secretly wishes their house looked like! It got so bad at one point I had to sketch out my thoughts! I slept fine after...then the baby woke up lol.

So I have officially, unofficially started in my daughter's room. That seems to hold off the thoughts...I hope this doesn't become the Winchester house...lol But then again I guess it is the craftiness inside me, loving to be creative that is consuming me... so I guess until I finish my plan for the renovations my house will continue to stalk me!